When you drive away with your reconditioned vehicle, it begins to depreciate in value almost immediately. Should the worst happen—whether it’s due to an accident, fire, or theft—your motor insurer will typically only pay out the current market value of your vehicle. This is often significantly less than what you originally paid, leaving you with a financial gap. If you have a finance agreement, you could even end up owing more than your car is worth.
That’s where Asset Protection & Excess Cover Insurance comes in. It helps cover this shortfall, ensuring you don’t need to dip into your savings or take out loans to get back on the road.
Read below to find out more
In the event of a Total Loss, this policy will pay the following:
What is Asset Protection & Excess Cover Insurance, and why do I need it?
How does this insurance protect my finances, especially if I finance my vehicle?
Is there a maximum limit on what I can claim, and what types of cover are included?
How quickly does the cover start, and can I afford it?
Is this insurance easy to understand, and what if I change my mind?
This part of the policy is a lifesaver if you financed your vehicle. It makes sure you won’t be stuck with outstanding finance payments after your car is written off.
For example, if you bought your car for £18,000 and, unfortunately, it’s written off, your insurer might only pay out £16,000. If you still owe £22,000 on your finance agreement, that leaves you with a £6,000 shortfall.
With this policy, you’ll receive a GAP payout of £6,000, covering that difference. It means you won’t have to fork out thousands to your finance company for a car that’s no longer on the road!
This part of the policy is essential if you purchased your vehicle outright. It guarantees that you’ll receive back the full amount you paid for your car, as long as your claim is valid.
For example, if you bought your car for £18,000 and it’s written off, your insurer might only pay out £16,000 based on its current value assessment. This leaves you with a £2,000 shortfall.
But with RTI cover in place, you’ll get an RTI payout of £2,000 to bridge that gap, ensuring you receive the original amount you invested in your vehicle.
To make your purchase seamless and straightforward, simply complete the form below. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to speak with your sales advisor at the CarSupermarket.com showroom. Your peace of mind is just a step away!
*Purchase price is the amount paid to purchase the vehicle, including any factory-fitted options and dealer-fitted accessories up to £1,500 including VAT but excluding any discount and/or contribution and all other items listed under the definition of 'Purchase Price' in the policy terms and conditions. The maximum benefit payable under this section of the policy is the purchase price of the vehicle, up to a maximum of £50,000.
There has never been a better time to sell or part-ex your car